Makeup products and designs have changed over time and staying up to date with makeup trends can be tricky and frustrating. While not every makeup style or design may be for you, beauty experts around the world generally agree on some makeup rules and basics. Here are some universal beauty hacks to take your makeup game to the next level:
1. Foundation Before Concealer
Ever noticed how sometimes your makeup ends up discolored when you apply a concealer before foundation? Well, this is a common mistake that will ruin your whole look. You should always apply foundation before concealer. Think of it as laying the groundwork for everything else that’s to follow. You can fix any spots you think need to be fixed using the concealer afterwards.
2. Prepping Brows With a Spolia Brush
Prepping your brows before you start with your makeup will save you time and make the whole process a lot easier. A spoila brush helps ensure your brow hairs are in the right place so you can prepare them for any makeup you put on. Whenever you’re on a tight schedule and don’t have time for a full make-up look, you can always prep brows with a spolia brush and do some minimal make-up.
3. Exfoliate your Lips Before Applying Gloss or Lipstick
Do your lip products sometimes feel coarse? This is normally caused by dead skin left on the lips. You should always try to have a smooth base for your gloss or lipstick. Exfoliating your lips before applying gloss or lipstick will go a long way in helping you achieve that ultimate look. Remember not to overdo it, though, as this may lead to damaged lips.
4. Make Eye Color Pop With White Eyeliner
Creating contrast can work wonders for your whole look. When you do your eyeshadow, try applying white eyeliner first before applying the eyeshadow. The white color will create a nice contrast with your eyeshadow making it more vibrant and easily noticeable. This will enhance your overall look.
5. Always Remove Makeup Before You Go To Bed
Removing your make-up before bed may seem like a no-brainer, but lots of people skip this step. Make-up is nice on the face and enhances one’s beauty but it is important to take care of your skin and unclog your pores when you’re done. Removing make-up before bed will give your skin time to breathe and prevent your pores from getting clogged up which could result in skin breakouts.