HomeHealthNatural Aids for a More Restful Sleep

Natural Aids for a More Restful Sleep

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Many people in America are not getting the proper amount of sleep. Studies show that lack of proper sleep is a symptom of poor health and the root cause of many chronic health conditions—such as anxiety, depression, heart disease, and insomnia. But achieving better and more restful sleep is easier said than done, which is why a lot of people turn to these natural aids:

1. Regular exercise

Exercise helps you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly throughout the night. It also helps reduce stress by releasing endorphins and increasing blood flow throughout your body. Exercise may even help you lose weight which can relieve back pain that might have been causing restless nights.

2. Meditation

Meditating teaches mindfulness, which means being aware of what’s happening without judging it as good or bad. Mindfulness meditation also teaches us how to let go of negative thoughts, so we’re not ruminating over them anymore once we’re done meditating (which leaves us less distracted). This technique has been shown to help people fall asleep faster as it decreases distractions and negative thoughts.

3. Avoid or Limit Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine is an obvious culprit for disrupting sleep patterns, but did you know that alcohol can also play a role? Alcohol is a substance that increases heart rate and blood pressure, interfering with normal sleep cycles. If you’re having trouble falling asleep at night, avoid caffeinated beverages after noon and limit alcoholic beverages to no more than one drink per day for women or two drinks per day for men.

4. Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin is a hormone that helps control your sleep and wake cycle. The pineal gland produces it in the brain and is also available as a dietary supplement. If you’re having trouble falling asleep or waking up at night, these supplements may help. They work by helping your body reset its internal clock so that it knows when to be asleep or awake.

5. Keep Your Room Dark and Cool

Darkness helps us fall asleep faster because light inhibits melatonin production in our brains. Try keeping your bedroom as dark as possible at night by shutting curtains, turning off lights, and using blackout curtains if necessary. You can also purchase blue-blocking glasses that block out blue light from electronic devices like laptops and phones so that they don’t disrupt your sleep cycle when you look at them right before bedtime.

6. Keep Electronic Devices Out of Your Bedroom

Electronic devices emit blue light, disrupting your circadian rhythm and making it harder for you to fall asleep. Try keeping your phone and other devices outside your bedroom so that you’re not tempted to check them once you get into bed at night.

These natural remedies are known to help those who suffer from sleep disorders, night-shift workers, and people with insomnia. They can be used alone or in conjunction with one another. If you want to enjoy a better night’s sleep or are just trying to get more quality rest in your life, then try these techniques out for yourself. Your body will thank you for it.

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