About Us

We’ve all heard the saying, “life is what you make of it”. And even though we’re not in control of who our parents are, our upbringing, or the hand we’re dealt early on, we do most definitely have the power to shape and mold the life we have into one we want and love.

As a young adult, you may feel adrift in the ocean of life, when it comes to many things—like what we choose to study, where we end up working, what we do in our social life (depending on our friends), and finances (and debt). However, there are ways we can take control of our lives and our destiny to live more intentionally.

Adulting might be getting in the way of fun, particularly when it comes to mundane tasks like working for someone else, paying bills, grocery shopping, cleaning and doing laundry, but Madeit.life helps readers learn and practice what it means to be a responsible adult so you can show up in a big way for yourself and begin to mold your own version of a happy life.

After all, adulthood can be fun and really rewarding when it comes to things like earning your first paycheck, nesting in your first apartment, buying your first car, embarking on a new field of study, or embracing a new career or small business. But the act of becoming you to your full potential starts with having the right mindset.

Madeit.life is about that journey. We provide informational articles, advice, and tips that aim to help you become the person with the power to work towards your full life’s potential—to listen to your gut; nourish your body, mind, and soul; ask for what you want and deserve; and live with the purpose and intention needed to actualize your happy life so you can say you finally “made it”!